Barbara Runs into One of Her “Babies”
On November 21, 2017
By Barbara
Barbara ran into one of her “babies” from 31 years ago at a party recently – Quinn is now a nurse in Philadelphia & looking good!

Amanda in Bermuda
On July 12, 2017
By Barbara

On June 27, 2017
By Barbara
Barbara finally got to see “Hamilton” on June 25th, and it was indeed powerful as well as entertaining. Afterwards family and friends gathered for a fabulous dinner at Seamore’s in Chelsea (thank you, Michael and Donna, for making that happen!).

Trip to Dublin & Killarney
On May 19, 2017
By Barbara
Barbara is back from a brief but beautiful trip to Dublin & Killarney. She had 2 days on her own in Dublin, where she got to see the Book of Kells & explore the town on foot. The train ride south was a chance to see the flowers of springtime against the green countryside. In Killarney she joined her younger daughter, Jen, & Jen’s husband Tim, on Mother’s Day. We drove up to see the castle that Tim & his brother Frank are restoring, then to Kenmare House where everyone was staying. “Everyone” included Frank’s wife Angelique & most of their 14 kids, Tim & Frank’s 92 year old mother, & several nieces. The next day it poured rain, but the last day in Killarney was a fine one. Jen & Tim convinced Barbara to bike around Killarney National Park & the lakes, & she only fell off twice!

Tim, Barbara, & Jen at the castle Tim & his brother are restoring